Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Soyrizo and Potato Breakfast Burritos

My son is a carnivore and I am always on the hunt for delicious, meatless recipes I can serve prepare for breakfast lunch and dinner.  I really don't want to cook two different meals.  Who has time for that? I admit, there are times I do cook him meat, but if I can get away with serving a dish he thinks is meat, I do it!  And so far, no complaints............

My son's favorite meal is breakfast and I stumbled upon this wonderful recipe from the Yogic Kitchen: Soyrizo and Potato Breakfast Burritos. YUMMY!!! Soyrizo is vegan sausage. NOT MEAT. This dish does contain eggs; so what I do is reserve a small portion of the cooked Soyrizo for myself before I add the eggs to the pan.

If you're trying to get get your family to eat more meatless meals, this is the perfect recipe. It's delicious for breakfast, lunch or even as a simple supper.

Here's the recipe:
Soyrizo and Potato Breakfast Burritos

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